Anchoring Heart Technique

To allow peace and pain to sit side by side, I practice this Anchoring Heart Technique by Deborah Grassman. It was initially created to help military veterans in hospice care, but is universally effective for anyone wishing to embrace conflicting feelings. How it works: 

  1. Place one hand or both hands firmly and tenderly over your heart. Breathe deeply.

  2. Feel whatever you are experiencing, even if it’s just for a few seconds. 

  3. Be curious about the place inside you that is strong enough to hold your pain without fear. Get to know your BRAVE SPACE.

There is something very powerful and effective about being able to name your tension and embrace it at the same. It really is a very simple and beautiful act of self-compassion. Here’s a link to a 10-minute video that expands on how and why it works. — CD 

HealthClaudia Dawson