Ultimate Stress Relief Cheat Sheets

Meredith Arthur, who has spent the past nine years investigating the source of her anxiety and physical pain, has recently put out a three-part newsletter series called Ultimate Stress Relief Cheat Sheets. She hopes that by sharing what is tried and true for her, she can help readers skip some of the steps she had to labor through. Reading about her personal journey was very helpful to me. It gives me hope that I can make my nervous system my best friend rather than my enemy. I love her practice of in-the-moment mantras and her current examples for escaping the freeze response.

  • “I know that future me has [insert issue] covered, so I am going to let this go until it’s time to take action.”

  • “I am allowed to have a short vacation from [insert issue].”

  • “If I keep thinking this way, I will only get sicker. Instead, I am going to imagine a future in which I’ve solved [insert issue] in detail. I’ll allow that feeling of peace to wash over me.”

— CD

HealthClaudia Dawson