35 Phrases To Set Boundaries

Here is something everyone should have in their communication toolkit: “35 Phrases To Set Boundaries Firmly and Fairly”. This article provides practical phrases and advice on how to assertively set boundaries without causing unnecessary conflict. These phrases work in a wide range of scenarios, from dealing with children and family to workplace dynamics. Here are a few examples: 

  • "I'm not available." - Helps establish off-hours and personal time boundaries.

  • "I need you to help me." - Encourages teamwork and shared responsibility.

  • "I don't agree." - Clearly states disagreement while remaining open to finding a mutual solution.

  • "I understand you need my help, but I cannot work on this right now." - Balances empathy with personal limits.

  • "I prefer not to discuss this topic with you. It makes me feel uncomfortable." - Protects emotional well-being by avoiding triggering subjects.

Note: Both of my recommendations this week were discovered in Matt Rutherford’s newsletter, 👓 Stuff—a weekly email crammed full of tips for a better life. If you love Recomendo, I highly recommend subscribing to Matt’s newsletter. — CD 

LifeClaudia Dawson